2 years ago




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Hi Everyone!

Some of you may have noticed that the logo and name of the channel have changed.

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Ahoy! Here are some previews of the Veteran Heavy armor design.

Thank You for 1000+ Followers!

New enemy - Fearless creature design Original Artwork made by Álmos Leányi

A little insight into an upcoming opponent design, the Fearless, and its host.


https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LR3VG0 #respawned #arpg #rpg #roguelike

A little sneak peek of a guitar piece by the awesome @Julian_Korbl who compose the music for Respawned!

We got a lots of updates in our backpack, so stay tuned!

Ahoy! My good friend @matepribelszky Released a slight remaster of The Hidden Fragmentation. Version 1.1.0 fixes the technical issues the original game suffered from. Also, there is 64bit support and a new volume control as well! https://gamejolt.com/games/the-hidden-fragmentation/306299

Hi Everyone! Unity has announced that they'll soon introduce a fee for every copy of the game installed over a certain threshold.

Not dead yet just animating stuff wip af