16 days ago

YAYYYY DRAWINGS <3 (If anything, the last art is like the style of Cookie Run, If anything, I don't know about this FD, Okay 😅)#art #myart #mystyle #ibispaintx #CookieRun #XD #X3 @lais_4345



Next up

In short, I drew Infected Nick and well his friend :3 #playtimewithpercy #lnfectedNick #Dandys_World #art #myart #mystyle #XD

Author In style fpe :3 Well, I have nothing else to write #art #playtimewithpercy #Author #fpe #mystyle #myoc #XD #ibispaintx #pwp

Guys, tell me, I'm not alone. Guys, tell me, I'm not the only one, I just like all the characters from different Fandoms, well, here are some more Artiks from me :3 #art #myart #mystyle #ibispaintx #XD #X3 #Author

The art is from my OS, but they are different, and she also drew them for me @lais_4345 <3 #art #myart #mystyle #ibispaintx #myos #XD #X3

Well, I decided to draw an infected Nick, Well, I liked it as for me :) #playtimewithpercy #infectedNick #art #mystyle #myart #XD

Well, what can I say, just infected Nick dancing to the music :3 #playtimewithpercy #pwp #playtimewithpercyAu #infectedNick #XD

In short, I drew it my friends in style Dandys World, But only with twisted ones (Jane_2025) @purple_kit #DandysWorld #art #myart #mystyle #ibispaitx #playtimewithpercy #XD