Five Nights at Jaygi's + (Indefinite hiatus)

11 months ago




Next up

You backloggers

The game is on backloggd if you ever want to use it lol

Also expect a patch later today to fix one more thing and that should be it with patches

An In-depth devlog of Five Nights at Jaygi's +

Thanks for 60 followers Here's what I been working on Yeah you're getting this image of Trappy and nothing else

Game Release!

The good thing about this game was I made this during april fools day and had like a couple minutes left to spare before it turned april 2nd

Unfortunately this game does not have original music but maybe another time...

some help

Happy (late) Valentine's Day some drawings of Jaygi characters Oh yeah some great progress on other project is going well


My friend @rep9303 has beaten All Max 8 minutes ago I shall consider him the King of FNAJ