3 years ago

Yeah, redid this due to bugs.

If I were to design a Sonic Theme Park, it could be like a 360 tunnel-super fast roller coaster with the tunnel actually containing images of Sonic's history since 1990 (Yes, you heard me). This is just an idea! #SonicPark



Next up

what he lookin at?

missed him?

gonna set up a teaser really soon. some stuff I plan to add in this new version of Clay OS (4.0):

- Document editing

- A file saving/storing system

- The internet

- Text-based AI

Thanks to me using Penguinmod now, this should be a breeze.

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Screenshots of the new WIP Rhinobot Framework Rework (some tweaks had to be made to make it fit on Penguinmod & 16:9 better) You also get to see Sonic's new sprites, and such.

Also, Demo 3.1 is back.

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

dev log 1 [LOOK AT ARTICLE]

Happy Retro Video Game Day!

Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.

It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.

I know it's kind-of ironic, but the music here is a placeholder. However, atleast it sounds good. 😀

Anyway, I'll say I got about half of Sonic's sprites in. There's still a lot more to go.