Project OHNO! (Alpha)
9 months ago

yeah this next update will defo be alpha 1.0.0

it’s by far the largest update yet and has a ton of bug fixes, additions and changes to the game.

wednesday and saturday will both still be when the major updates drop, although sometimes just minor patches will release instead. patches can release whenever tho!

also ima try make every major alpha have a name fitting to what they’ve added.

already got the name for this one. even though the name isn’t really referring to the biggest changes, it is the most noticeable and general for the actual gameplay. (writing this I’ve actually come up with some other names so this might be irrelevant idk, we’ll see!)



Next up

p-rank journey begins

hungry 3

Mr Tank

that was so close oml

early look at beta 1.0.0

watch on youtube:

also play alpha 1.4.0 now:

added crimes


Welcome to Project OHNO, a 2D pixel shoot-em-up with a very limited color palette!

new character

99% of gamblers quit before the big win