Yesterday, Olaf's owner gave him to me, and this time it's permanent, so here's another photo of him.
Just in time for the 10th anniversary of the first movie's release in the USA, by the way!
Next up
I've released my new SMW hack, Super Mario World: The 4 Magic Wands yesterday, for SMW Central's C3 event that started yesterday.
Here's the release thread: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t=129248, and here's the hack's page: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=39208
This came up in a Brazilian news program today!
Me and a couple of friends are going to try and raise money for a suicide prevention project! (read below for more information)
I know I'm late for the FNaS 10th anniversary, but here are some wallpapers of the official games (1-5, as well as 4 HE and MM) that I made with the game files.
So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus
After releasing SMW: The 4 Magic Wands, I've started working on another SMW ROM hack - Super Mario World: Adventure in Forest Land
SMWC thread for the hack: https://smwc.me/t/129372 (More screenshots are available there)
New port is out: One Basic Night with Baldi.
Find it on the game's original page: https://gamejolt.com/games/OBNwBaldi/908065
So my OCs had tiny alters, and here they are. Here's the CORE 3 of my OC's, you can use these as reference for arts of any form!
Fred - wendigo
Samantha - wolf
Void - Void rabbit
Drawings are by the talented: @MarineBlue , go check out her stuff! :)
What's up with people randomly getting blocked from accessing Game Jolt out of nowhere? (the CloudFlare "Sorry, you have been blocked" error screen).
I know @AG_AHMAD and @AranBucobo
were completely blocked from accessing the site.