One thing I want to say:
@Speedorsm Can you still give me the cookies?
Aside from that, thank you for being the guy who helped me with The Dragon's Pizzeria game! Who could have ever done without you? Additionally and to be honest, it won't be the same if I have you like a true best friend! My bo- I mean ahem best friend!
@ShiruNephalem1 You and your fan art are very cool; I love 'em! You're very talented, as always! You're always fabulous at the art style, with all your energy there. You're my good friend!
@SillyKat , is there anything I could say to you? I'll simply describe you as a silly, goofy, and great dude, lmao. You're a great cat! Nothing much else to say!
@MrMalos We do not have much of a commute with each other but, you're cool! A great Male_07 guy.
@Darking- You're very great voice acting besides Sillykat, and also my good friend there!
And finishing off by mentioning other my friends and followers here:
@Natas2137 I forgot about him so, don't have anything to say but, I can thank him for the help for TDP. He's very well-talented!
Happy new year everybody!