Bingus Vs Floppa The Game V2 OUT!!
2 years ago

yo its me the guy who made the music bro

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Next up

New v.0.6! Adds more lore and day 6. Enjoy! (The Containment Facility.)

I Made an easy mode for the people who cant finish the game on normal mode

should i do another update..?

i was thinking of cancelling this but..


boy this terrible game somehow got popular

OH shouldve put this in the last post

i also fixed the T??? ending bug

if you dont know what the bug was

the win screen made it so you couldnt go to the T??? ending

now you can actually click the win screen to close it

instead of it just stopping the game

current progress

Need Testers! Let me know in the comments if you want to test my game. (CRY OF FEAR Scratch edition) Current progress is above. ^

Live Leak Dashcam Footage😎

v2 Is Almost Doneeee!!! :D