2 years ago
YO, l got birthday today :D (l am turning 15)
Next up
I brought a new character to my BEER game. l'll add her description below if anyone wants to see it:
Rockstar's having real hard right now.
hey guys, just to let you know this is NOT me, I dont even have a newsground account, hopefully this acc gets deleted
*THONKS* (a bit old stuff but anyway)
(l will thonk more zoon)
Just some small art...
Help Wanted!!
VilleTown is currently looking for coders, voice actors, and musicians! So if you are somewhat skilled at any of those, please leave a comment, or DM me on discord! (ckd4925_)
the image is more descriptive than this, so please read it!
Ay! l finished learning Blender so why not share a result of my very first completed model heh :D