2 months ago

Yo you guys should join this community, don't ask why, just do it please.

It's called Pedro's Spaceship.



Next up

Chat how does this happen lol, the masks are almost the same lol, this is too funny lol

Second image is from @KaskadePLAYZ_ (who is my gj sister cuz our dad is @C4LL_M3_H3R0_ lol)

Y'know what fuck the poll

I'm going with this beautiful abomination

Hope to see ya another day @DemoUnreal , take care bud

Here is my irl oc

Also I give myself fluffy hair cuz yes, I like fluffy hair and I don't have it

How I feel after @URFAVBITCH_R1NN left... 😊

Thx @_milezz_ !!!!!

Ilysfm mom/dad!!!

just a reminder for everyone, im gonna be gone for a few days tomarrow morning.

Dw I'm just thinking, just thoughts, nothing much

Also those ain't wolf ears their cat ears