27 days ago

You are free to post this on r/thomastheplankengine or smth. I tried to recreate what I saw in the dream I randomly remembered. It looked something like this. Don't know if Expunged was out or not. (article)

I don't know if I had posted this before but one time I had a dream where I was playing Dave and Bambi and Expunged downgraded my computer to Windows 10 but modified to make the background red (i think) and I tried to exit out but the "x" button wasn't working so I purposefully lost just so the app closed because in the dream, if you lose in the song the app closes.

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Next up

Every time I look back, a lost song gets identified. This time, it’s WASTE MY TIME OF ALL THINGS

what my final pre dream will prolly be like:

My brain is on something 💀


This morning I came across Morshu reading a bible and I tried to look for the part where he says something anti-gay (bc in some parts, the Bible is anti-gay) and... I accidentally found him saying said stuff in Leviticus 18:22.



where was this from why do I take random screenshots

When ur tryna save storage on a VM and Windows hits you with…

[LEAK WARNING] At the ending of my dream I saw a video with “July Primos Promo” in the title and the thumbnail was something along the lines of a frame from the latter half of the 2nd leaked Primos episode, but I didn’t actually watch the video.

Tell me why when I put "nacho. GUH *gets submerged in wave*" in the Bing AI image generator I get this? 😭