4 days ago

You can have a uwu face in among us



Next up

Just me and the best gf ever (@swagoomfsonly ) being silly together <3

Muhuhahahahaa im evil

To all transphobes and homophobes: Minecraft don’t welcome u.

Hey look it is powers mungus from vs impostor among us

Gives u this silly ad and runs

Also Strawpage update!

Pronoun page update!

Quick psa: you should probably report @/Swagger09-

They’re kinda impersonating my gf and it seems to be making her uncomfortable. So yea you should likely do that

edit: the account no longer exists

double edit: the person behind it wont even apologise smh

This one never gets old

LETS POST MORE SISYPHUS AND- oh wait chaurice is here everyone say hi chaurice