2 years ago

You Can't Run Or Hide (Sonic The Hedgehog) [I Made It Much Longer, Because The Original Article Is Short And Stupid]

Since this is my first Creepypasta talking about Sonic The Hedgehog, I'll try my best to make it actually good, I'll take criticism in order to improve the story, thxs for reading!

Hello, my name is James, or, what I used to be called, TheSonicMan2014, I remembered I played Sonic The Hedgehog when I was a 5 year old kid, until I played an extremely dark version of Sonic.

One day, December 17th, 2014, I was scrolling through the sonic games page until I found an game called "You Can't Run Or Hide", in glitchy text, the creator was SEGA, and only had the badge called "Death", which I never saw as most of the badges were created by SEGA themselves. After that I decided to join and download the game myself.

The first thing I saw was my character (Tails The Fox) in an forest, with an weird ambiance in the background, I walked all over the place and I found nothing, one of the places contained a dead corpse of Knuckles, with an axe stabbed into his chest.

Then the noise began, but this time, it sounded like the thing was screaming. Tails notices that the source of the noise is chasing him down, and he begins to run away fast around the creepy liminal forest. He encountered many disturbing things that didn’t fit in a SEGA Sonic The Hedgehog video game at all.

The small two tailed fox winds up encountering 3 unusual creatures I tried hard to recall. Ugh, those monsters I just saw in that episode gave me huge chills. I would rather go into detail about these horrible things.

The first creature is a large black and crimson red wolf, but with teeth that were like a sabertooth tiger. It has menacing yellow eyes with small black pupils. Its jaw in that case seems to extend crookedly where it would entirely devour its prey. It also lets out a gut-twisting moan like that of a human except diabolical and deep.

The second creature is a giant featherless brown bird, almost like that of a vulture. Its bill was sharp as a kitchen knife that would stab its prey before devouring. It has completely huge black eyes and its wings are like that of a pterodactyl. It also makes an unholy alien-like screeching sound.

The third creature is the most threatening to describe. It was a ginormous dark black and blue hunch-back chimpanzee with extended arms. It has a huge mouth that would open wide and extend with sharp crooked teeth. Its eyes are completely crimson red with no pupils.

The music at this point (if you could call it that) was a lot tenser and more threatening than ever. I played as Tails The Fox, and I was running away from the monsters as fast as I could survive, until I slowed down for some reason, and the creatures became faster than me. The poor fox was tired out from all that running and finally away from those baleful creatures.

After Level 1 was completed, Level 2 began. The music that would play in the background was instead some creepy wind ambience which made me very uncomfortable. After noticing a lot of these things, I moved Tails. Another thing I saw was that the lamp was my only way of seeing what was around me in the dark. It was somewhat difficult trying to see what was around me and most of the time, I couldn't really tell where I was going.

I Wondered around all by myself for a bit wondering what I was suppose to be doing but then I collected a ring. Then I realized what I think was suppose to do. Collect all of the rings like in the original. So I went into that hill and collected all of the rings. But right before I pressed the right arrow key to move Tails, Something passed by which caught me off guard.

Luckily, it was moving at a somewhat slow speed so i got a great look at it. It looked like Knuckles from earlier, but was somehow still alive, and the back of him was melting into some black like goop. He also looked like he was melting. I Was very surprised by seeing this thing. So I followed him to get a bit of a better look at it. Then, I saw his terrifying face! It was Knuckles's face, but he had no eyes in the eye sockets, it also had some black holes around it.

He somewhat was moving around randomly like Clyde from Pac-Man. And he made some type of disturbing deep breath moan whenever I got near him. If I ever got hit by him or any of the others, (Which i'll talk about later) I died. (Or at least I think was happening) it resulted in one of two things it would either glitch out a Lot and bug out repeatedly with many broken graphics and colors appearing across the screen. Or the creature I got hit by would jumpscare me, Which never happened in the original game. Back to what I was saying, next I needed to collect alot of rings like earlier. But there a lot less maps then the actual game that I have to roam around a lot to find some. Soon, I completed the level and it took me to some kind of Minigame. It resembled the Racing game from the original. And before it started, i was greeted by screen which made me jump. It was an Image of Sonic The Hedgehog himself, But he was nothing but a skeleton with some washed out colours in the backround. It also had some ear splitting Noise which hurt my ears. And at the bottom of the screen it said "Knuckles".

Then it switched me to a dark version of the racing map. but it didn't show another screen showing the character I would be racing's side map. But instead, when I moved Tails, Knuckles was right behind me and there were some text saying "Run from Knuckles". It did creep me out a bit, so I moved Tails as fast as I could get him away from that terrifying thing. There were also a few balloons in the map, but when i touched one, it killed me. The music was also some distorted creepy chase music which made this part even more tense then it already was. Luckily, I got to the end.

And then it switched back to where I was on level 1. This was level 2 now I guess, so I knew my goal. Collect the rings while also trying to stay away and not get caught by the enemy. So it was ok at first. I saw Knuckles roaming around a few times. But then something caught me unexpectedly.

I was just leaving a hill when I heard a loud buzzing scream like noise and then when i switched on to another line, A thing that looked like Shadow ran by. I would have been dead meat if I went near him. He had some kind of skeletal face with blood coming out of him on all sides. He also had some skeleton arms that have popped out the sides of him and he also seemed to be dragging himself. He also had some small bloodshot eyes and something that i forgot to mention is that the score would flash to different words.

But when one of those disturbing creatures showed up, It would (For about 0.4 seconds) flash to what I think is it's name. The disturbing Shadow here was called "Darkness". He would usually roam around like Knuckles, but he would always charge down where Tails was on the map with that annoying buzzing scream. I Did get caught by him a few times, and it really started to piss me the fuck off.

Soon, I completed the level, and then another one of that racing minigame happened. I Guess this happens everytime I beat the main level. this time the character that was chasing me was Darkness (Shadow) and I hated this. I Would always try to make Tails out run him, but sometimes I had to slow down at some points, and he would kill me.

I soon beat it on my 4th Go, and then the third level started. This time, Amy Rose was added, but her whole body was cracked up. And instead of a face, it was an Eyeball. She was one of the Strangest ones, whenever she appeared, all the sounds would stop, and she also seemed to teleport around the whole place.

Sometimes when she appears right in front of me, she would disappear before she even touched me. But whenever I was in view of her, her eye would slowly open. Before being fully opened and bloodshot. At that point, if she does get to that point, she would keep on following you and teleport randomly like Mad before ramming right into you. She was also like this in the minigame after this level as well even though she wasn't really chasing me.

The fourth level now added Silver who was called "Shock" in this. He was probably the number one most annoying in this game, as he would first start out on the tracks but then have the ability to fly and follow Tails where ever he went. He had some floating things above his head. They looked like floating gems, and he had some strange wings and his face had no mouth and some black goop coming out of his eyes like Knuckles.

He was especially annoying in the racing minigame after this level. Soon, when I got to level 5 is when something started to happen. The game all of a sudden crashed. This was really bad, considering I didn't even know where I was going and some of the others got an Advantage. Luckily, the game restarted, and I was able to beat this level. I then paused the game and i wondered to myself, "What the fuck was going on!?", "What is the rest of the game like?" I needed to find out. So I unpaused the game ,and started at the next level without even having a minigame in the beginning.

It started out like usual. I avoided the creatures as I was moving around, but soon, all of them disappeared. The Creatures and the rings were all gone. I was getting confused. Where were the rings and where were the creatures? But then I heard a loud Shrill scream. Soon, I saw something whizz by me. It looked like Dr Eggman/Dr Robotnik. But this wasn't right. He was Never in the original to begin with. He was completely red, like in his starved form from the FNF mod "VS Sonic.EXE". In fact, his whole body was, And he had many eyes all over his body. And when he appeared, The text on the bottom All changed to 666.

The Eggman thing started moving faster. And then More of that Eggman thing started Appearing. I Was Taken by Surprised by this. Soon one of them Hit me and the whole screen started Glitching. "What the fucking hell was going on now?" I Thought. Then the screen was switched to black for a few seconds and then it showed some kind of cutscene. But it was some strange first person view. The fuck? It looked like Sonic, and I had no idea what was happening, and then the view of whatever I was seeing through hit Tails. Tails was some kind of 2D Sprite with 9 different directions. And when it hit Tails, The game switched to black and stayed that way. "What the fucking shit just happened!?" I yelled. What was the cutscene about, why was the game like this? It was all just fruitless guessing.

The game restarted once again, but this time, it had a few little changes. Like when Amy Rose appeared instead of every sound being muted, she played a small sample of it and repeated it over and over again. And the sound of Knuckles's painful moan was instead a small broken bell noise. But the sound of him moaning in pain was still there. And the last change was that there were now one of three things that would happen when Tails died. The new one was where the screen switched to black, and I could faintly see a pair of white eyes staring at me from the engine that killed me.

Level 6 also was different as well. Only some parts of the map would stay while the rest disappeared. But luckily, I manged to get by level's 1 to 6 and the chase minigames. Soon...I got to level 7. The level I have been dreading. How was I suppose to do to beat the level without getting killed by one of the many 666's that would be appearing. And the rings would already be gone by the time 666 (Dr Eggman) arrived. But if I wanted to see what was beyond this level, I needed to beat this level. "Here we go again old pal" I said when the level started up. It started like how I remembered it.

The creatures and rings would be around for a while before disappearing and 666 showing up to end my game. But I was not going to get caught this time. There must be a station somewhere. Because before I went to bed, I remembered that there was a way to beat this level and get to a station that was sitting somewhere. But where was it? Soon more 666's started to appear and i was getting nervous. 

Where is it!? I Thought when one of the 666's was right behind me. Soon, I went into a tunnel and something...unexpected happened. The screen then crashed once again, and then, I was back to where I was on levels 1 to 7 again. Have I beaten level 7? I Was about to scream in enjoyment, But I needed to focus. What new thing was going to happen now. All the rings and creatures came back, and 666 had now became a part of the crew of creatures that were trying to get me.

It was now ok, but other then 666 now being a part of the group, I didn't see anything new...At least now yet. This time, there were only about 3 rings now, when I actually in the previous level's it was 7. I was wondering. But just when I got back, I Needed to run to my computer and get a move on when all of a sudden, Some Disturbing version of Cream The Rabbit appeared, and began chasing Tails.

So now, I see what was new here. Cream was now some kind of alien thing where she was now a mutated rabbit with claws, and her face was ripped off, exposing her own skull, with spikes behind her back, and had skeleton arms on her sides, much like Darkness (Shadow), and she also had small dark red and dark blue eyes, and she also had blood on her sides, But was still making an Ear splitting screech that made me had to turn down my volume.

"At least Darkness doesn't scream that loud" I thought. It became a lot more annoying, because I had to keep on moving, and I would sometimes end up getting killed by another creature. Since I was also somewhat near the Cream The Rabbit beast thing, I got a little snip it of her name. In case you forgot, whenever one of the creatures that were trying to get me appeared, for about 0.4 seconds, The score would change to the name of the thing that's chasing me. Apparently, this beast was called "Skelly". I swear this level took about 6 times to complete it due to how hard it was at some parts.

Now I was on level 8. There wasn't even a little chase minigame after I beat level 7. But still i continued. This time, Charmy Bee was now added, but he was called "Spiky". He had some beast like mouth and many sharp teeth and spikes coming out of him. If he saw Tails, he was shoot one of his teeth or spikes at Tails, and drag him towards him, even when we weren't on the same track, he would shoot a spike from the side of him. Now it was as if the game was now getting harder and more annoying by adding more and more enemy's to make me rage quit the game.

I was starting to get annoyed, but I pushed onwards. The next level introduced another new creature called "Slumber". He was Espio The Chameleon, but instead he some stitches on his body and had an extremely disturbing face that I didn't want to look at. He even had some things that look like spider legs coming out of his eyes, mouth and wheels. He would shoot something out of his mouth on to the tracks or at Tails to slow him down and catch up to him and kill him.

Sometimes, I had no choice but to go through the unknown substance. And something I forgot to mention is that, the darkness around me was getting darker everytime I beat a level. It was becoming so dark, that I couldn't see what was around me so most of the time the creatures would appear out of the darkness out of nowhere and I would get killed.

Soon, I beat level 9 and went on to 10. This time, Rouge The Bat was added, but she was called "Hanging"…And oh god was she one of the saddest ones. She had ropes on her body. And she also seemed to be floating around like shock. And her face was that of a terrifying sad/depressed face. If she saw Tails, she would throw one of her ropes, and if she caught Tails, instead of one of the three things when Tails was killed, It was instead an Animated scene of hanging somehow choking Tails to death.

Soon, I beat that level, and I went on to the next level. This time, Jet The Hawk was added, but he was called "Soulless" and he looked a bit like Shock (Silver). But instead, he had some tentacles and some legs instead of wings. If Tails ever got near him, Soulless would expose an organic mouth from his mouth, and most of the time, he would rip up a bit of the environment to get to Tails. His face was some demented stretched face. The part where he would rip up the environment really made me annoyed as well as the others like Hanging (Rouge) or Slumber (Espio). I Get that this might be some sort of challenge, but it was slowly making the game impossible to beat. It took me about 13 minutes to beat this level and I was tired once

I finished the level. I have never experienced something so difficult. The next level was exactly the same as the last one, so I knew how this was gonna play out. But then another unexpected moment happened. When I went into the tunnel again, The screen went to black and then some white text appeared on the screen. It said “GODDESS” and it took me to a dark area. It looked the same as the regular map. But the color of the map was dark purple. But then I reminded myself that this looked like level 5 and this might be the same. The static was also covering the screen a lot making it difficult to figure out what I was seeing. I then moved Tails, and almost all the sounds were gone.

Then after moving around for a bit, Tails then stopped without me pressing one of the buttons to stop him, and then he was staring right at me. This was kinda freaking me out a bit. And then something appeared right behind Tails. It looked like Sally Acorn. She was dark violet and like Amy Rose, She had an Eye for a face. This can’t be right at all. Character’s like Rouge, Charmy and Espio had never appeared in this game. And this game was made in 1994. How could that work? And why is the game like this? Soon the screen started to glitch up. What was happening!? I Couldn’t see what was happening and soon the screen went to black and the browser page seemed to crash itself.

Soon an image popped up and once again something like this caught me off guard. It was an image of the inside of an abandoned house. And right there, there was an old TV with a sega genesis somehow plugged into it. And it was also showing the title screen of the game I was playing, with the screen glitching the text to say “DON’T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS” LEAVE US BE AND LET US ROT OR ELSE YOU’LL END UP JUST LIKE US”

Ok, so the title screen isn't what I described. It looked exactly the same as the normal game, But things were a little bit off. First of all, the colors looked washed out and dark. And Second, the music wasn't there which made me feel uneasy a bit but it's probably something else.

Ok, I pressed start and there's another thing that is off. It doesn't even show the painting like thing where I can choose a character. But yet, in it's place was a black screen with there buttons. Start, Options and Code. I Don't even know what was going on. This isn't what game is suppose to be like, I went to check options, but I didn't have anything in it but just a sound test. The sounds that were playing in it was either screaming noises or just moaning noises and crying noises. I Also kept on hearing a whisper in it but I couldn't make out what it was saying.

I Wanted to turn up the TV to hear what it was saying, but I decided against it. I didn't want to turn the volume up so loud it would make my ears bleed. Then I went to the password thing and it was just your standard password screen but it had some strange sounding music. It sounded like the cave music from one of the Donkey Kong country games mixed with that creepy music from Roblox. Then I wondered what passwords could even be used here. There didn't seem to be any passwords so far, so I tried putting in the names of some of the monster creature names to see if I could get anything.

  • Amy Rose, didn't work.

  • Darkness, Also didn't work.

In fact, none of them worked, but something weird happened when I put in Goddess (Sally). The screen turned purple and then to static before going back the password screen. Strange, but ok? I Then left the password screen and went ahead and press start. Ok now things have gotten completely weird. This isn't want the game is suppose to be like!? It seems to be a map screen rather then choosing a game mode to play. There's a mini Tails sprite on the left part of the board and I can press him and make him move.

It was very similar to the Super NES Sonic game I remember playing when I was younger. His colors were also off, in fact he had the same color palette he had that I saw earlier. The map was dark and the further you progressed, the screen would slowly become red. I'd soon find out why but now lets get to the game. The music on the map screen was eerie tone to it... and an unsettling vibe as well.

It kind of sounded like the theme from video drone mixed together with some creepy music from earthbound. I Selected the first icon which looked like a hill that Tails was near to, and started the level. This level was exactly like MY playthrough of the game from earlier. Find the rings and don't get caught by the enemy. Heck, I even saw the creatures that I saw while playing. Darkness (Shadow), Knuckles, Amy Rose, Shock (Silver) and nearly the whole gang was here. But some characters like 666 and Hanging (Rouge) weren't here at all which was a bit strange, but I managed to get pass this level after a few tries because the difficulty seemed to be ranked up to 11 then what I played. After playing for a bit, I took some screenshots, and saved it to my hard drive.

I Thought for a moment. I Did think at first that these people just hacked a game as a prank. But that couldn't be right because I played a disturbing version of Sonic. Maybe it was hacked, maybe it wasn't hacked. But I then went back to the game, and the music seems to have gotten more creepy and unsettling. How is that happening? I Then went to see what was on the other side of the map. The map was nothing but a straight line into a dark area, And I tried to figure out what the icons are representing.

The first icons after the tunnels were some trees. Which is indicating that this level takes place in a forest. And the icon next to it look exactly like the hills, but dark purple. Would it be a dark purple version of the hills levels? I Would find out soon. The next icon looked like an abandoned shed. And the final icon and was the only last icon was something....red and organic.... I didn't like the look of it. but before that was an icon that resembled SOnic The Hedgehog himself.

So I went to the second hill level, and it was more of the same. But when I was looking for the rings, I found a purple female cat. It was one of those female characeters from the Sonic series, she's called "Blaze The Cat". She seemed alone in a siding, so I went into the siding and thankfully the Monster Rabbit thing or any of the other engines didn't go down the one siding I was on. Blaze didn't have any of those text thing on the side of her. She then speaks:

"I Lost everything here. I miss my friends..... I miss everything... it's not alright here...can you help me please?"

Strange, but a little upsetting...this poor girl cat seems to have lost her family, friends and home from the sounds of it, but the strangest thing that happened is that I suddenly blurted out "Sure" and she actually responded back with:

"Thank you" She said.

That made me jump for a second... did she just respond to me? That was also a bit creepy. After this, she seemed to follow me around and those monster creatures seemed to have all disappeared. At least things are gonna be a lot easier this time. I Still couldn't find the rings, and I didn't find them anywhere. I then went to one of the tunnels with Blaze, and the screen took us back to the map. Looks like Blaze was the only character besides Tails that is not evil like the others, And seems now that Blaze is now a playable character. Seems nice, and then, I thought about the way she responded to me and I asked her if she knew a password or something similar.

"I Know one!" she said "Here's the code and write it down! 360291847219 and I got this word called "Calson". I Don't know what it's used for, but I bet you can figure it out"

Seems interesting, so I saved my game which the original game never did, and went to the password screen. I gotten so use to the game that I completely forgot that none of this was suppose to happen at all. And have I mentioned how strange and weird this password screen music is? The music had a weird happy and mind numbing feel and sound to it. I Don't know if this I Put in the numbered code in it and IT WORKS! It seems to be a screen with numbers on it. It goes from one to ten. Let's read this.

"Day 1. I don't know how I got here.... anything is dark...so....so...dark.. I'm in a game that's an anomaly.. I'll figure out what to do next"

Looks like something has written a journal in the game and how could that even work? I'll go ahead out down some of the more interesting ones.

"Day 3 I look different...there's some new people here...they'll...."


"Day 10. 66666666666666666666666666666"

Uh.. What even was that? No seriously what even was that? from what I could understand.. it seems like this a journal about someone going insane and that they're trapped inside of this game and are wanting to get out of it kill everyone... I had no words. I Thought that this whole thing was fake and some person just wrote this down. But still I didn't have any words. I put in this name or "word" Blaze calls it. Something then happened that I wasn't expecting... It went to some loud red static.. it was so loud I had to cover my ears and I shut my eyes very tight....

I then heard a voice saying "DIE" I Couldn't open my eyes to see what was saying it. Luckily I managed to get a screenshot of it which is the one here. The loud static lasted for about 2 minutes and it stopped when I opened my eyes, I took a look at the screenshot that I somehow took and it made me jump.

It looked like Mighty The Armadillo, but with a bunch of arms with sharp nails, and had many eyes. but he was in some kind of shadow, so I couldn't see what the face looks like...but I couldn't imagine it looking nice. I Then went into the bathroom to splash some water on my face. This whole thing couldn't have been real... And what the fuck just happened?

What's the rest of the game like? I Had so many questions. I Started thinking that this whole thing was a huge prank by the SEGA company to scare me, and just pretend that it was something else. If it was, this was certainly NOT Funny in any sort of way i can think of.

I then messaged them, and told everything what happened in the game and asked if they were responsible for making this. But they had no idea what I was talking about and said that non of them knew how to make a ROM Hack (If it was one anyway) And even if they did they probably do something simple and stupid. After that, I then got back to the game. I Didn't want to continue playing to see what other fucked up things there were. But I had an urge... I must do one thing with this game.... To get to the end and play the whole game and figure out what was going on...

But then i thought, maybe if I restart the game, it might end up going back to normal. But I decided against it. Who the actual fuck would see this first hand? Let alone able to play this. But I had a feeling that I knew something very wrong with this....but I couldn't find anyway to explain it... So now, I went back to the game and continue playing.

I walked around until I found a house, which I could see a dark silhouette, of what seems to be the same blue hedgehog, it was Sonic himself, when I was clearly the only player in the game.

He actually had no eyes, and his eyes were replaced with bleeding sockets in his skull. His mouth was empty and was a pitch black toothless mouth, and he was stained with blood...

I made Tails walk towards him, and he said this to Tails: "hello, Tails.", he continued his speech: "You aren't supposed to be here, you cannot escape.", I thought this game was a troll, so I decided to close this game and delete it, but nothing happened. I even tried turning off my PC, but the only thing I saw was an error message saying "You cannot run or hide".

After his speech, Tails got teleported into an distorted dark room, the unsettling ambiance turned into bloodcurdling screams, and I saw Sonic chasing me (Tails), I ran as fast as I can, while more errors with the same "You cannot run or hide" started appearing.

My character, Tails The Fox, started slowing down, and Sonic started speeding up. The screams became louder and louder. I tried to low down the volume, close the game, or even shut off my PC, but still, nothing happened.

Sonic eventually caught me, and I don't want to remember this ever again but, I saw poor Tails being brutally murdered, Sonic literally ate Tails's heart, burned his corpse and left it to rot.

I couldn't move anymore, I was expecting to respawn but the corpse stayed there, the game all of a sudden showed a picture of someone hanging from a noose. The game closed by itself and I got banned forever, the supposed "reason" on the white screen said: "You can try to hide, you can try to run, and you can try to defend yourself, but I'll always get you.", after deleting the evil Sonic game, I tried to look for the game again but it just gave me an error, but it just said "it's too late" with glitchy text.

After 6 years, I tried to play this Sonic game called "You Can't Run Or Hide" again by downloading it again, but all I got was a error saying "You will no longer have access to this game, you fool"…

If you ever see this game, plz don't ever touch it, nor play with it, ok? If you do, you'll end up in a similar situation like me....



Next up

The Wait Is Almost Over...

POV: You Confronted Fleegle (The Banana Splits Movie) [RP]

I Seriously Hope V3 Of FNF VS J821 (Sonic.EXE SML Mix) Comes Out Tomorrow, Since It's Releasing This Halloween!

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Sonic.EXE!

Complete the quest and you'll get a Sonic pack!

Some Old Banana Splits Images

It Just Got Worse...