20 days ago

You don't have arachnophobia do ya?



Sikaru is a spider character that loves making life size puppets (5.6 feet tall) and occasionally some smaller ones.

She lives in a bunker connected to a tunnel system that have webs over the walls.

Her age is 25

She's 25.6 ft tall.



Making fancy webs.

The Autumn

The moon when its full.


People intruding in her home.

The winter.

Lunar and Solar Eclipses

Her tunnels have webs strung across the walls to catch creatures, those who intrude usually face harsh punishments, whether its tying them up to a control bar and letting them dangle in the air for a hour or straight up throwing them at least a mile away from her home.

Tho outside she's normally more nice.



Next up

Rate my chair (Ignore the armless yib)

Doggo :3


Very messy doodle of Paul :] Trying to study shape language with the body type of these characters ❗ I'll draw the rest soon hopefully!

Ps. Feel free to make assumptions about these characters (in my last post); it helps me develop them!

+ Velcro

Made this funky elevator.

Prob not ganna be in that doors project but its a cool elevator.

✨|| Shark boy I made!

They're a gummy shark/dog hybrid yippie!




I might draw Yip and his variants a bunch soon cuz why not.

AHA THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K FOLLOWERS BTW I just realized I haven't made a post about that JABDJWKK

Bald Yip