16 days ago

You guys wanna know what im sick of

People who fake shit for attention I cant fucking go anywere without someone seeking attention in some crazy ass way I spent the last 3 months talking to someone online and i was giving them advice on how to get over their mental problems, (which i do a lot online because i have issues myself) only for me to realise they never wanted to fix their problems because it gives them attention

After some digging i found it was completely fake, everything they said.

This happens so often, ive met so many people that do this stupid shit

Please fucking dont

90% of the time when someone has an issue they arent gonna go around advertizing it for clout

If someone truly has issues theyre gonna tell a close friend or someone they trust, and theres always the alternitive of not telling anyone and bottling them up. But seriously, if you have issues tell someone you trust. Now that im on this topic its a good time to mention how people will go to peoples dms(most of the time yt creators) and start venting there and threatening suicide if the person doesnt talk to them

Why do people want attention

It just makes you worse

I want to say much more but i have classes to attend

Thank YOU for your time,

And thank the people who fake issues for wasting your time



Next up


Mm mm mm steamed clams

Hehegehec my sandwic looks like france

Im alive yippie...

I may or may not have an addiction

I bought one of them push pops and this mf is rizz central

My beutiful creation :)

A ride cymbal+sus. Cymbal converted to a high hat with a marching snare and a woodblock mounted on a piano seat, along with bongos to replace the toms