24 days ago

you mfers are lucky i didnt try majoring in psychology or smth cause i would NOT be a good god with the knowledge (image unrelated i think)



Next up

【A rift runner who has answered a call, finds himself above his normal pay grade.】

you get no context

if you know you simply know (you likely dont)

@jasxy_ is on the right

shaine is gay /srs

@jasxy_ @mac_n_cheeseiscool

A useless skill: playing two videos on gj mobile at the same time

To deny fate to save a soul is the duty of a Rift Runner.

May gord help us all...

since when is【】verified? also i cleaned up my playlists on yt


finally to move onto step 3...

decided to start browsing Itch myself as of late and, well...

May my files runneth over..

if you know you know