HEY EVERY !! IT'S ME!!! EV3RY BUDDY 'S FAVORITE [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]] SPAMT SPAMTON G. SPAMTON!! WOAH!! IF IT ISN"T A... LIGHT nER! HEY-HE Y HEY!!! LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE [[All Alone On A Late Night?]] ALL YOUR FRIENDS, [[Abandoned you for the slime]] YOU ARE? SALES, GONE DOWN THE [[Drain]] [[Drain]]?? LIVING IN A GODDAMN GARBAGE CAN??? WELL HAVE I GOT A [[Specil Deal]] FOR LONELY [[Hearts]] LIKE YOU!! IF YOU'VE [[Lost Control Of Your Life]] THEN YOU JUST GOTTA GRAB IT BY THE [[Silly Strings]] WHY BE THE [[Little Sponge]] WHO HATES ITS [[$4.99]] LIFE WHEN YOU CAN BE A [[BIG SHOT!!!]] [[BIG SHOT!!!!]] [[BIG SHOT!!!!!]] THAT'S RIGHT!! NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A [[BIG SHOT]]!! AND I HAVE JUST. THE THING. YOU NEED. THAT'S [[Hyperlink Blocked]]. YOU WANT IT. YOU WANT [[Hyperlink Blocked]], DON'T YOU. WELL HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHOW ME. YOUR [[HeartShapedObject]]. YOU'RE LIGHT neR< AREN'T YOU? YOU'VE GOT THE [[LIGHT.]] WHY DON'T YOU [[Show it off?]] HAEAHAEAHAEAHAEAH!! Spamton NEO Normal Route HOLY [[Cungadero]] DO I FEEL GOOD ... HERE I AM!! KRIS!! BIG BIG, [[BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER]] HA HA HA ... THIS POWER IS FREEDOM. I WON'T HAVE TO BE JUST A PUPPET ANY MORE!!!! ... OR... so... I... thought. WHAT ARE THESE STRINGS!? WHY AM I NOT [BIG] ENOUGH!? It's still DARK... SO DARK! KRIS. KRIS. KRIS. KRIS. THAT'S RIGHT. YOU. I NEED YOU. TO BE BIG. WITH ME. VERY VERY BIG SO BIG WE'LL STAND UP TALL AND SEE PAST THE DARK STAND UP WITH OUR HEADS IN THE CLOUDS AND LOOK INTO H E A V E N I JUST NEED THAT LITTLE, [[SOUL]] Y O U HAVE [Susie] Kris! [Susie] The hell was that weirdo!? [Ralsei] Kris, we were worried about you, so... KRIS!!! YOU HAVE [Friends]!? WHY DON'T YOU TELL THEM ABOUT MY [3 for One Specil]! TODAY, THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN TAKE A LITTLE [Ride Around Town]... [Attention Customers! Clean up on Aisle 3!] SOMEONE LEFT [There] SOULS, [Lyeing Around......] Kris!?!? WAS THAT A [BIG SHOT] JUST NOW!? WOW!!! I'M SO [Proud] OF YOU, I COULD [Killed] YOU! [Heaven], are you WATCHING? IT'S TIME TO MAKE A VERY [Specil] DEAL... Snowgrave Route [Narrator] (It was as if your very SOUL was glowing...) NOT!!! LET ME SAY LET ME SAY [Thanks ] THANKS TO YOUR [Total Jackass stunts] I HAVE [Becomed] NEO. AND NOW IT'S MY [Mansion]! MY [City] MY [World]! SO WHY ARE YOU [Stealing] THE [Fountain]!? TO [$!$!] ME OVER RIGHT AT THE [Good part]!? WHAT ARE YOU, A [Gameshow Host]!? AH, KID, FORGET IT. I'M AN [HonestMan]. I'LL LET YOU [Pay] YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS ONE!! [Pay]... WITH YOUR [Rapidly-Shrinking] LIFE!!! [Unused] HOLY [[Cungadero]] DO I FEEL GOOD ... Battle Spamton ENL4RGE Yourself [Neutral, before using Word Bullets, does not repeat] TRANSMIT KROMER [Neutral, before using Money Vacuum, does not repeat] MEET LOCAL SINGLES STRAIGHT FROM [My] [Neutral, before using Minitons, does not repeat] [Press F1 For] HELP [Neutral, does not repeat] Get Big and WIN [W1ld Pr1zes!] [Neutral] HELP [Neutral] [Deal #1] HEY HEY HEY! I'VE NEVER SEEN A [HeartShapedObject] LIKE THAT BEFORE!! [First Read] MY EYES ARE [[Burning]] LIKE [[DVDs of ANY movie at Half-pr1ce!]] I HAVE A VERY SPECIL [Deal] FOR YOU KID! WRONG ANSWER!!! WRONG!!! WRONG!!! WRONG!!! TRY AGAIN!!! [NOT INTERESTED] KID!!! IN BUSINESS YOU NEED TO SAY YOU'RE INTERESTED!!! [Subsequent Reads] THAT'S THE ATTITUDE YOU LITTLE [Slime]! [TELL ME MORE] DEALS LIKE THIS ONLY COME ONCE IN YOUR [[Ant-sized]] [[Rapidly-shrinking]] LIFE!! [Deal #2] BELIEVE IT OR !! [First Read] I USED TO be A BIG SHOT. THE BIGGEST!!! BUT NOW...
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What the heck am i playing?
New Undertale Music vid :3
Spamton G. Spamton Says:
Animation that goes with my new music vid
Freddy at Five Nights in little Einstein's rocket ship.
My animated version of the Undertale Patience soul: from Your best Nightmare
I *finally* decided to kill flowey.
(note from future me: like 20 minutes later) He frickin' came back! i opened up the game and he was still alive and said "Did you really think killing me would make a difference?"
I made springtrap from the Five Nights at Freddy's movie
Stevetrap! He also performs as a bobble head because I made his neck from a spring.
Look at this mf homophobic, racist, discriminating orange alien! This is our new president? I say: NO ORANGE B1tches for a president! I mean Trump.