More Dumb Nights at Blob's

2 years ago

yuor mom



Next up

Game is releasing TOMORROW at 3:00pm PST. Be ready!

fun fact! i have over a gigabyte of beta builds of fnak. pretty crazy, right? also BIG ANNOUNCEMENT EITHER LATER TODAY OR TOMORROW STAY TUNED FOLKS

Next Level Photo Negative Blob will start in either Sector A or B. Listen for him to reach your hallway! If you hear him, shock the hallway without shining the flashlight. If you shine the light on him, he will kill you!

The Five Nights at Kirby's Character Design Contest

New Character (2/7) - Ramadon

Mini Blob will appear on the desk after lowering the monitor. Click on him to get rid of him! You cannot use the monitor until you do.

i would like to announce the addition of minecraft steak to the game's roster of characters

taking a break from your regularly scheduled me to tell you all to go follow @mac_n_cheeseiscool . he's a supah dupah talented artist and friend of mine. he's almost at 400 followers. also go throw money in his face since he's started doing commissions

Happy Pride Month, and a little bit about me!

Creative Old Blob will randomly show up when you drop the cameras. If you see him, quickly lift the monitor back up or flash your light on him!