Also, the Among us FNaF game, thing, that's stuck in development limbo, may never get finished.
And here are some tips for the game I guess:
In Night 2 and onward, focus on Spy ALOT, as if he leaves Cam 5, you might as well reset the game.
In Night 3 and onward (when the other nights are finished) Keep the temperature above -35 degrees, but below 50 degrees, as reaching either extreme will result in a game over.
Try, try, try again. If you fail, try again.
Engineer just exists. He just warps around. He's completely passive. Don't focus on him, focus on the others
Pressing C and typing in a certain code lets you gain a boost. These are considered cheats, so watch out!
Only Spy doesn't move backwards in his movement without player interference. Other characters that DO move backwards will move backwards less as the nights go on.
And in the custom night (whenever THAT get's finished), you change the wait times in-between a character's movement. The lower the value is, the faster the character is, and a value of 0 disables the character all together. (So setting everyone to 1 in this game, is the equivalent of an all max mode in other FNaF fan games and in the base FNaF games.)
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