
2 years ago

Zoinks, fourth vote puts the poll back on a tie between "release messy proto of Pinori" (already done) and UPDATE THE SOUNDTRACK which I haven't done yet.



Next up

LMFAO I wasn't expecting someone to select the second option

I agree with the people that told me to stick to I fucking hate it here.

LOL imagine telling me to kms over this. Y'all are unhinged. Is there a problem with wanting to learn something about the person whose bio I'm reading, not 99 other people that I don't even know? Fuck's sake. Go touch grass and watch your mouth

finally she lost her checkmark. how long has it been like that

2.7k somehow? okay then, the page is set to cancelled idk how we still got there probably by luck

bruh how. Pinori is literally set as fucking unlisted HOW IS THE PAGE ALMOST AT 2.8K VIEWS

LMFAO good. thon/xe pronouns looking ass

do I fucking know you? I can say whatever the fuck I want to someone that fucking blocked me for no reason. also stop acting like you're the shit. you're not. also, whatever the HELL you're on about about n*des and shit, seek help. that's not true.