11 months ago

zymen33 being annoyed about godot for 3 minutes straight caught on camera

1 comment


Next up

47 likes and I'm adding subterfuge chase to the game

(48 likes and I'm adding the game to the subterfuge chase)

(49 likes and I'm gonna remove subterfuge chase from the game)

"i'm still gonna shadowban everyone who unfollows this game from real life"

*follower count drops*


he did not know it was me because i credited maxprolover as the creator but it's still funny

this makes it even funnier if anything

unrelated rant but why am i such a negative person who hates everyone and yet everyone loves me

i'm telling you! everybody

They fixed the 2d snap render glitch.

Turns out there was a "floating" mode for character objects that makes sure the speed remains the same when colliding with walls and freely walking

I was watching a tutorial on how to make a mario game and

why is this the funniest shit ever

Elsewhere is dead

I killed it

I didn't know that

Choose your fighter