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share cool thing her e!!!
Hey..... Well guys I having problems with my phone right now so like I said I can't draw anymore so I'm trying my best to..... Yk.... So here's the new video link of the song "Fast Pace":
Fast Pace pero es Selever vs Ruv | Friday Night Funkin
"No tienes ni la mas mínima idea de lo que se siente que pasen los días y seguir aquí atrapado en esta pu## mi#### de vacío!". -Exclamo Selever con rabia/tr...
I heard so much of these MFM songs ... So my Favorite song "Glazomer"...... Don't ask.... I love it... :3
FNF MFM Extras - Glazomer (Full Ruv)
This is Zavodilla in freeplayI didn't like tiny Ruv so I made the full size one playable.Original Mod: playable Ruv for ...
Monke caught trying to steal slippers outside of house more news in 10
@Jadie If u look this question u got trolled