Trivia & facts in Anomalous Analysis Corporation (Official)

Open your eyes...

Pandora’s father (Henry monara) died in the year of 1991

fact about cole

Another fun fact:

Fun fact:

Pandora Monara takes frequent flights hopping from facility to facility, this is why she is usually absent.

Fun fact:

Pandora Monara hardly converses with most of the scientists in facilities, she usually just keeps matters to herself and doesn't usually waste time talking to other workers unless it is necessary

Fun fact about Will:

He loves mints, and will always bring Tic-Tacs to work with him.

Fun fact:

Bravice's left eye can glow in the dark. The pupil specifically turns from black to green by itself when not much light is present.

This means he is immune to anti-flashbangs.

luke facts and stuff!!

Opened the channel up for all users

just note that you may only use it if your anomaly is canon

Also, bit of a correction

Concussion's host's age is now 19, we had to correct it due to the age gap between Lavina and him, (previously Concussion was 13)