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Hi, do you want to post news here? •෴•

We made it possible to create your own wallpaper!
Remade it for everyone who wanted it.

Honest magic

I decided to make a game about voting, where your vote matters the most.

Every new round a question appears and you have 3 options for answering it, after choosing, the number of votes is counted and you find out your percentage among all the others.

I'm finally finished with the development of release.

The game will combine elements of puzzles.

You can play in any web browser.

I decided to try connecting the API for gamepad and other devices to the project, although I don’t know if data is read from them.

If there are people who can try this function, I will be glad.


Briefly about the release of the new Labmaze design:
1) All details have been reworked.
2) New system will appear
3) Distortion of incoming assets
4) Improving the quality of new parts
5) Adding bright colors to the story

read the explanation below...

I played a little with the design of standard programs from the system, now they will look different :>
I'm still working on this idea in the near future.
(Suggest your ideas in the comments)

I continue to work on AI that will create new levels.
Now, new items have appeared,
I would like to tell you a little more...

Well, now you can try to find something new for yourself in this project!

In general, the design of the release has changed a little.

but now you can send and connect your own mods to it!)