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Hi, do you want to post news here? β€’ΰ·΄β€’

Been doing some more work on the remastered menu theme, which I have named "Code Is Eternal"

It's still not complete. Just a bit more modification and it'll be ready.


I've tried my hand at doing my own version of the "menu" track in the music's a comparison...

I will make more changes so that its good.
Also, what on earth did I hear when listening to "wait-AI"?


Have a listen to Pocket Disco! New song I made in LSDJ. Spent a while on this one, very proud of how it turned out!


cooking in Little Sound DJ, what do yall think?

#chiptune #lsdj


Got another gameboy song for yall! This one was made for Oops! All New Formats on BotB again now that LSDJ has its own dedicated format.

I hope you enjoy! I had fun making this song :)

Links in article.


New song!

This one’s called Minor Infraction, it’s a bit of a joke song I made as a submission to Oops! All New Formats on Battle of the Bits. Chip combo is 2A03+4-N163.

Links in article.


little sound, big personality

making some more lsdj stuff. too bad it’s pretty hard to record lol…


I started writing my first huge project.
This is a demo version of the upcoming work on this.


The first creation has finally shown itself, to your attention a very new piece of music "Last souls of life".
At the moment this is a test build, testing has begun.
The last piece of the world is the smallest.

Note: only an excerpt from the game page

Master Boot Record released their new album yesterday, absolutely loving it so far. Another banger from the most mysterious chip-metal band!

Official Release: