Your art ^w^ in The little Goat Club

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So yeah I said this before and I'm going to say it again I can't draw my phone anymore cuz it's cracked and it's acting weird cuz of the cracks so if anyone could draw something for me I would appreciate it..... Cuz I feel devastated right now ;-;


Yeah like I said again..... I can't drew cuz my phone is cracked and acting weird.. so unfortunately I can't fix my hair.... I just left it like that... Sorry. Here's the link of Sarvente and Selever singing High

Sarv & Family Hijack Mommy Mearest's Limo (High but it's a Sarv & Selever Cover)
Sarv & Family Hijack Mommy Mearest's Limo (High but it's a Sarv & Selever Cover)I'm REALLY SORRY for the long delay on the Roses video. Normally, a new one c...

Hey..... Well guys I having problems with my phone right now so like I said I can't draw anymore so I'm trying my best to..... Yk.... So here's the new video link of the song "Fast Pace":

Fast Pace pero es Selever vs Ruv | Friday Night Funkin
"No tienes ni la mas mínima idea de lo que se siente que pasen los días y seguir aquí atrapado en esta pu## mi#### de vacío!". -Exclamo Selever con rabia/tr...

I heard so much of these MFM songs ... So my Favorite song "Glazomer"...... Don't ask.... I love it... :3

FNF MFM Extras - Glazomer (Full Ruv)
This is Zavodilla in freeplayI didn't like tiny Ruv so I made the full size one playable.Original Mod: playable Ruv for ...

gift for my friend @Pixavide OwO

i like rain ^w^

the skallagout (FG hidden form)

or you can call it skellafreddy

all ralsei pose for my fnf mod

(If you can make good art let me know in the commits

is this me or is this me in Super Mario World