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Womp Womp
After seeing a roblox game do better jumpscares than any other fangame, i decided imma re-animate the jumpscares i have so far to be more in depth with how you died.
I have updated the description of the game to match with my current standards, along with just better organization and removal of fluff.

the color red is cool

Louders 1 Year dev anniversary is coming up quickly, and we have something planned to announce for it, stay tuned on June 28th for something to be revealed...
EIDOLON is now being worked on, main nights arent done yet but after almost a year of only working on main nights i wanna change up things

Fun Fact: This was going to be an office layout planned for the game but because it changed too much i decided to use it for a canned project
HELP WANTED..again..:
Looking for a music composer to make one soundtrack for the games main menu. If you are interested please comment under this post.

Louder Dev Update 7:

Happy pride month yall!