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Womp Womp

So i decided to rework some aspects of Yap, she will be slightly changed for my version i have. I still do want a rework of her as the textures are quite low resolution but these changes make star's model more detailed to how he wanted it originally.

Small update, character reworks for the rest of the crew are on hold due to Mega's busy life. So for now character renders will still use the old models until sometime December potentially.

So current state of Louder is that im just reworking and making the last cameras needed, but mostly i been writing things for YaY Club cause why the hell not and because somethings i need are still being made by others.

hey pookies :3

Hey! Coming soon I will be opening an official discord for my community (and ofc Louder) which will offer exclusive sneak peeks into my games and (hopefully) be a good social area for people!

silly fun fact about Louder while we are working on not significant things, all the dev files i have for the game total up to 22GB's worth of stuff atm, including current & archived builds, assets, characters, drawings/2d assets, etc


btw heres a funny video i did while i was there

bro they hired my ass and idk what im doin

The people have spoken...

Hey yall, there is a concerning matter we need to talk about.
Update: they good 👍