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Womp Womp

YIP DEMO progress update:
The demo is on track to being completed earlier than expected, alpha testers are going to be testing and giving their thoughts on the demo and find any major bugs or exploits.

She gets angry when you keep that on while shes sleeping
REMINDER: I will be picking auditions for Jenna Sprinter soon on the 20th! If you havent already auditioned for a role nows the time to do so!…

We do a little working on game

Trailer 2 Summarized:

Yap and Yell: Louder
Trailer 2 "Going to Work"
Well, since today has been a pretty good day so far im feeling really nice and im going to be releasing the trailer earlier than planned. 3:10PM, get ready
Trailer 2 will premier on both YT (better access) and GameJolt (better access..and better quality somehow) and will be published at 7pm EST tomorrow.
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Fun fact about the design of Louder, its based off how Popgoes Evergreen had a more realistic take than the original. This wasn't even intentionally taking inspiration we just did this and thought we should keep with this idea for the rest of development.