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Womp Womp

A gift from your friend..

The Yip Demo is now 95% finished!!! Last things being art assets and some voice lines that I must wait on. This is the last stretch for the demo! Beta testing has begun finally!!!!

YIP DEMO December Update + Louder Small Update:
Since its Thanksgiving where i am, i should say what im most thankful for. I'm not only thankful for the friends i have made, but im very thankful that i am able to work on something that im so prideful of. And i have you all to thank for that, thank you.

Just wanting to showcase all the designs (mainly cartoonish) for the characters so far, some are old designs that i have yet to redraw.
In order (Bold = Old Design):
Yap, Yip, Bahbah, Valarie, Railey, Jenna Sprinter, HIM, M.ILES
Credits in Article
We are still looking for composers, 3d modellers, and a yap VA!! If you think you will fit into these roles dont hesitate to just look!…
Yip Demo Progress Update 2: Currently still working on the beta, buts thats just due to personal irl things getting in the way. Still on track for December release of the Demo

YIP DEMO progress update: Alpha testing is done and major bugs have been patched. Its still incomplete but in terms of bugs the game is def good on that end, currently working on balancing and fine tuning before more making new stuff.

White Noise