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Womp Womp
i have returned from vacation, ill be back to work soon enough :) Also happy new year yall!
I have scheduled this post to tell you all that Railey the Racoon is Australian and will be hanging from the ceilings...upside down...just like a real aussie
Jesus were nearing 300 followers...maybe ill have to show smth earlier than planned if we hit it soon..

Merry Christmas! Heres the full menu redesign!! And thats all for now folks! We will return next year with development!

1 more day...and it seems like an error box!

2 days and....a drop down menu selector...wonder what thats used for..

3 days...another gift in the form of...a Gamejolt login window! (Read article for some small fun facts about all this)
I have come to the realization i have the tools needed to make a Yap cosplay, but my ass does not have the space sadly

Since we have less than 5 days..think i should show off some of the new menu every day as a gift. Starting with...a boot up sequence??? (Dont Worry you will be able to skip this)

Another update on the menu redesign, got something pretty unique and fun