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Womp Womp

Currently my focus rn is getting the main menu to its final good form, heres concepts of what i have in mind

Should put this out there, if yall want the pixelation compositing nodes I used, follow this tutorial from PlanateryLuke!

there is an easter egg in Louder that is a one in a million chance of getting when starting the game, heres the specific number. Good luck finding out what it is when the game releases


Might try to make Louder a bit fancier UI wise, since somethings i work on recently have been much higher quality. (example in video)


Not gonna be releasing this for obvious reasons, just using it to practice clickteam more, bbbuuut heres something funny i did with it.


The Mountain is Calling

stage asset wip

Honestly depending how this goes, i might turn this into a collection of one shot charts i make. I already have some other charts that i worked on for fun but haven't released.

school work is lightening up, going to finish a few more things on Returnal and we are so back next week


another boy