All Posts in Underverse Bad Guy Squad


Ink Sans (Forgot to draw his vials. )

Did I hear someone say revive about 3 months ago?

I deleted an post with a star because sick thing and stealed image

We need revive this

Batallas de sanses a sido puesto en oculto por una ley extraña que no entiendo pero me pude caer multa de 30.000€.

Battles of sanses has been unlisted because of strange law that I dont understand and I can lose 30.000€ because of it.

caught 4k on pinterest

( nightmare sans on the top right says: Dafuq you looking at dream like that ) XD

My motivation is dying aaaaaaaaaaa

Nightmare snas brrrrrrr

Abit of fun-

I lied...

A bunch of human sans ocs ( God help )

Melamine sans the assassin sketches