video_games in The Happy Community! :D

Share a happy moment!

Today I took a trip to London, I popped into the game shop CEX on Tottenham Court Road and these are my pickups 💕

I feel I have a flare for decor when I’m playing Animal Crossing?
What do you think?

#GJAsks: Me Fale uma Franquia de jogos que o Melhor é o Primeiro Lançado.

One-armed cook showcase (I burned the restaurant :p)

Don't forget, TODAY 7:45PM UK time I'm gonna be LIVE 🔴 with @Rapskilian & @JamieSauce12
undertaking an adventure in Project Zomboid that many have deemed "stupid" but when has that ever stopped us before

Primark have some awesome Sonic bits at the moment 🔥🔥🔥

Destroying children in battle clash! (I won each round)