Your fangames in Bear Fangames

Post something at 3am!!!!1!11!1!

Progression moment (Still Work in Progress)

Finally, I don't have to make the Stikbot original remaster html files seperate packages

Should I?

Stikbotz original classic edition now out lol

Your average glue factory

(Ask me anything you want about this or just go on with your day and ignore this post)

Added the final update to the first remaster of Stikbotz y$! @Fletcherhww managed to fix it. Might be slightly edited, but it now works.

Fletcherhww has helped me set up my bear fangame up, play it if you want as we are working on a true remaster

Attention! (if i can even catch yours)

animals definitive edition (it's name it's just animals)


still in progress