show & tell in Bondee's Barnyard

If this post gets 5 Likes i will change my PFP to this on Discord

Rus: Хэй ребята у меня есть группа кто хочет туда не стесняйтесь я всем разрешаю...)
Bri: Hey guys, I have a group that wants to, don’t be shy, I allow everyone...)

if i get 20 likes on this post or get 100% yes
then i'm gonna become Lil' link

Something I made real quick. I think @Otis_Le_PoOtis likes SML so I made a parody thumbnail for an SML video about Bondee's Barnyard!
Hope you all like it!
Q&A (ask me anything in the comments)

User @Dogdayongamejolt05 is low on followers (NOT STONKS ALERT) follow him pls :)
Come send me Secret Messages!

🇷🇺: Аааа они просто такие милашки <3 Эмили & Роберт
🇬🇧: Aaaah they are just so cute <3
Emily & Robert

so I just wanted to introduce someone to yall! This is marmalade, and she’s my new 10 year old ragdoll!
Just wanted to show some pics of her cuz she’s so cute and friendly 😭
Credits to @Doughnutrosese4 for the name!
Thank you for your continued support☺️