All Posts in CloneTails' official community

hey there, welcome to CloneTails' community, go on, make a post of your choice


He was sleeping on the stairs

Also voice reveal :D

So if you were ever curious about what my voice sounded like, boom, your question's been answered

4 December

This is a cat

He's stupid and fluffy

He loafs around and meows till we feed him

He does nothing to help

But we love him for it

The Adventure Echidna and the King Hedgehog.

New concept arts for @Rewritten_Divinity and Fnas Afraid Of The Dark.

3 December

New ideals for @Rewritten_Divinity and for Fnas afraid of the dark.

btw follow @SilverGuy since he needs one more follow for 800

kinda ironic considering some things i won't go into detail, but the past is the past, and im already forgetting it