Announcements in CloneTails' official community

hey there, welcome to CloneTails' community, go on, make a post of your choice


Good news: I found my pinned post and repinned it

Bad news: as it turns out, I cracked my leg and I won't be able to do much for around a month because of it, I can barely step with it

Yesterday, I hurt my leg while going downstairs to my room

And now I can barely step without hurting, it hurts like hell

My mom said we're going to check it in a hospital just To be sure I didn't break it

So I won't be online much for today

As you guys can see, I prepared in advance

(Thanks Manic :3)

Yes, believe it or not, there is more to the chaos

Check article:

(possibly) final update on the situation in article

My bro lost it! (Not the bro you know, another one who's 18 and probably will end up in prison in the future)

The post will be updated when we get more details

Details in article...

Ask me questions and I'll answer them tomorrow (please let them be serious questions)

Whether it's about me or something else, I'll answer

QNA time cuz I'm bored as fuck lmao

Y'know the drill, ask me shit, I'll answer

The pacifist name has been decided for my OC's theme name

Hook-a-pun, idea by @Manic0626

For context, I agreed with Manic that my OC will also have a neutral and pacifist fights as well as genocide

Article for notes