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One Piece

..... of pie.

and i realize i spelled one wrong


Early visitor. This is why I can’t have bird feeders.

I bought and ate all this in two days

where is mine

Just a couple of dogs hanging out

I love a simple, clean design that looks good when it’s all done.


We played Jack box last night and I made this amazing animation. It’s the first time we played in a long time- it was a lot of fun!

(In case you need help, I’m sipping my iced coffee)

I was today old when I learned Joker didn't kill Bruce Wayne's parents - that it was some dude named Joe Chill. I need to sit down. Nothing is real anymore. Movies have lied to me.

are you all too young for this joke?

I just heard Rachael Lillis passed away yesterday. That first gen of Pokémon was my intro to the world, and it's sad to hear such a big part of it is gone. :(