All Posts in Caketastic Cakes

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Merry Christmas everyone hope yall got what you wanted

Foxy cake all done. It was made for an 8 yr old birthday and was told to not go all out on it - so no decay or gore.... oh well! maybe next time. But even though it is a simple design, I really enjoyed making it!

My PFP :)

One of the first firesides I did on GameJolt was this Sonic cake for the 31st anniversary. Good times ❤️

Idk how I got a kill here lol

Finally doing something fun!

All is well now that ik for sure this was my most played game

I went in a gamestop for the first time in 4 years and I found this little guy in working condition for $5

This is what is on my Christmas list lol

I think I could have went for more wins but I'm pretty happy with it overall