Dreamscape in Coma's Harmony Community

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Ooh, I like this background! Anyways, a new setting is being added for the 0.6.0 version that censors the more coarse language. Now you can play the game without the use of those words! Isn't that great?

0.5.2 has experienced a bug that basically made a large amount of the game unplayable due to skipping the code stating how things should work. Something broke in a beta I gave today as well, so it wasn't too recent. Strange, it was working well for a time

New features coming to 0.5.2:

-Speed Potion, adds agility in combat and speed while walking

-Tutorial redo, whole thing is being redone for updating reasons

-Battle Room, accessed in Circus Castle

-Saving Charges, one use per each

And much more!

April 1st, the day of jokes and pranks, has started in several places over the planet. Two things that I am going to do for it: release the Rickroll playlist and add a new name Easter Egg in Coma's Harmony. In fact, you can see the name in this message!

Hello again! 0.5.2 will be coming out very soon (this is not an April Fool's joke, I swear) and it will feature more of the Edge of the Realm as well as some neat mechanics being added as well. Just be sure to keep an eye out for secrets!

Greetings from DevK! A plan I had set back a year ago has finally returned for the grand reveal! I present to you: The Rickroll Playlist! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnVyge3em-a2ElGZrft3LHoh64YnG… Welcome one and all, April 1st, here we come!

The song Feverdream, also known as the Title Theme, is going to be replaced soon with a better song from a different program. It will be heard in the next update.

There has been several issues over the past two days that it is starting to look like I need to copy the files over to a new project and continue from there. If this fails, Coma's Harmony might be getting an entire redo. Again.

I went to open the files for Coma's Harmony a few hours ago and found they were corrupted. I have since grabbed the files from 0.5.1 and now I am trying to get back to 0.5.2. If you could download the game and point out the bugs, it would be appreciated!

Currently adding the trophies to the game for all completed areas that have trophies. Also, 0.5.2 will be out for a quality of life update after the next few things get done. You may have noticed me getting trophies, that is a test for each one.