Share whatever :)

I've decided that I'll do a Q&A today!!
Since I have nothing else to do today at the moment...
Comment your questions about me or anything I work on and I will answer truthfully! (UNLESS YOU ASK PERSONAL INFORMATION SUCH AS MY AGE AND NAME)
Random thing
What do you wanna see more of from me??
10 votes Voting finished

(Follow-up to this post - https://gamejolt.com/p/i-m-sorry-to-say-this-but-this-fanmod-is-…)
But just because the project is cancelled doesnt mean that I'm not gonna continue making art and covers and music just for fun! This AU isn't going away...even if I don't post about it that much anymore.
I'm sorry to say this.
But this fanmod is officially cancelled.
(Fanmod in question - https://gamejolt.com/games/crystal-files-bbi-fan-mod/788328)

O' Light/光よ
{Lunar Version}
Original Song by: Kikuo
UST by: taremano
Cover and Voicebank by: Me (Crystalized_Lunar)
Blueballs Incident 2.0 AU (Mental Destruction Incident) by: The Hysteria Team (w/ me yay)
OG Blueballs Incident 2.0 by: Troll Team

She won't Troll you for a few weeks as a token of her 'appericiation' :)

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