General But Epic in CustomerON's Chad Enjoyer Community.

Share your creations!

Wally's Awesome Night Art Contest
(Read the article)

Customer's Awesome Head (CAH) 2.5.0 is here!!
Alongside the OFFICIAL trailer for CAH
(Details on what changed this update in the article)

pov te tiras un pedo y te sale el parasito de no man's sky

A Formal Aplology to All of my Haters...
(TW in the Article...)

i am coming for YOOOOOOOU @RFREDDY

deleting my gamejolt account unless this number changes

we love you, customerina (and customer too)

Como es posible que hayan personas que apoyen las maldades de este desgraciado

Instead of doing hate communities about porn and furries why don't we start hating on CustomerON and CopperMan? Bah, they are awful and the reason of Game Jolt's downfall!

peak infancy gaming