All Posts in Dragon Ball Discovery

Welcome to the Dragon Ball Discovery Community.

Good morning everyone, I want to get your guys' opinions by voting on what the next Discovery video should be. And if you want to explain your new idea or suggestions in detail, you can post it in the comments

voting ends February 19th

  3 votes Voting finished
discovery quick announcements 1
Good morning everyone, just wanted to let everyone know the current progress of the game, and what changes we added. And to explain why we didn't post anythi...

This video shows a short sneak peek at the potential combo setups that will be introduced in update 3.0. With Goku being used as an example to show off this early system.

W.I.P Dragon Ball Discovery: Song Goku combo setup
This video shows a short sneak peek at the potential combo setups that will be introduced in update 3.0. With Goku being used as an example to show off this ...

Este vídeo mostra uma breve prévia das possíveis configurações de combo que serão introduzidas na atualização 3.0. Com Goku sendo usado como exemplo para mostrar esse sistema inicial.

W.I.P Dragon Ball Discovery: Song Goku combo setup
This video shows a short sneak peek at the potential combo setups that will be introduced in update 3.0. With Goku being used as an example to show off this ...

Would you guys like it if Discovery kept the option to change the soundtracks, or just have one original soundtrack for the game?

  1 vote Voting finished

O saco de areia voltou e veio para ficar no futuro modo de treinamento do jogo. No entanto, haverá uma opção no modo de treinamento para praticar em um personagem real da CPU.

The sandbag has returned, and is here to stay for the games future training mode. However there will be a option in the training mode to practice on an actual CPU character.


Introduções de personagens foram adicionadas ao jogo e todos eles têm uma introdução padrão. mas no futuro, adicionaremos introduções específicas referenciando lutas da série ou até mesmo algumas introduções divertidas que não sejam de canhão.


added character intros for the game, and they all have a default intro. but in the future, we are gonna add specific intros referencing fights from the actual series or even some fun what-if intros.

Ei, pessoal, sou eu, Shenkai. Eu só queria que todos soubessem que Dragon Ball Discovery ainda está vivo. E eu queria que todos soubessem o que está acontecendo e o motivo do longo silêncio no rádio.

Discovery Is still alive (update video)
Hey, guys, it's me Shenkai.I just wanted to let everyone know that Dragon Ball Discovery is still alive. And I wanted to let everyone know what's been going ...