news & updates in Dragon Ball Discovery

Welcome to the Dragon Ball Discovery Community.
discovery quick announcements 1
Good morning everyone, just wanted to let everyone know the current progress of the game, and what changes we added. And to explain why we didn't post anythi...

Ei, pessoal, sou eu, Shenkai. Eu só queria que todos soubessem que Dragon Ball Discovery ainda está vivo. E eu queria que todos soubessem o que está acontecendo e o motivo do longo silêncio no rádio.

Discovery Is still alive (update video)
Hey, guys, it's me Shenkai.I just wanted to let everyone know that Dragon Ball Discovery is still alive. And I wanted to let everyone know what's been going ...

Hey, guys, it's me Shenkai. I just wanted to let everyone know that Dragon Ball Discovery is still alive. And I wanted to let everyone know what's been going on and the reason for the long radio silence.

Discovery Is still alive (update video)
Hey, guys, it's me Shenkai.I just wanted to let everyone know that Dragon Ball Discovery is still alive. And I wanted to let everyone know what's been going ...

Dbzd "Pre Beta Update" foi lançado, há um monte de bugs, nós sabemos, mas 3.0 é um motor completamente diferente do 2.0, então espero que vocês gostem do novo motor "Parcialmente Concluído".

Dbzd "Pre Beta Update" is out, there are a bunch of bugs, we know but 3.0 is a completely different engine from 2.0 so hopefully you guys enjoy the "Partially Done" new engine.'