All Posts in Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Z

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if it wasn't for the fact that my internet is down and I'm rn using my mobile data, I would be posting DB:SZ rn

Bro I swear it’s official!

The “official” action figure in question:

watching tv


I'm getting there...

My power... getting into my grasp...

Y'know when you think about it, Dragon Ball in 2025 just casually and consistently giving everyone (me) more reason to live is really beautiful ngl 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Dragon Ball might actually just contribute to world peace if we keep this up for a few more years

SSJ2 Gohan vs. The 7 Cell Jr's.

Finished last year, forgot to post it.

fly through this cooler


I'm in my training arc in DragonBall Sparking Zero.


In honor for the anniversary of Akira Toriyama's death.

[Fierce Trial In The Second Demon World]
TEQ TUR Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) (DAIMA)