Share your creations!



Thanks @SEXY_WR

Music By @MegaloDapper

It's cool, so we made this

You thought we won't post anything on Undertale's bday? HA! Get intro panels sneak peek!

Oe We finaly finished panels today!

Soon I will show the old version of intro panels and then maybe on devlog you will see New intro panels with intro video!

Dustbelief Murderer Path.


and today is the day from which you can get phase 2's midi!

Yep, you can find it now in the track description.

I hope it will get a lot of covers and remixes 😳…

And finally! Phase 2 theme is out!

Go check that masterpiece on MegaloDapper's Soundcloud now! We will post it on game page a bit later so it will get more listenings on SC. (art by me tho)…

Something is coming...

Now we finaly have our linked to the game page community!

go join it!!!

Welcome to Team Spiderweb community! Here you will see post from our games pages (Dustbelief Murderer path, SwapDust: Disbelief and more!), here you will be able to post your fanarts and memes, here you will be able to ask us some questions about our take and how game development is going!

Report A community for over 2 years