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I got banned By cheating i would like to get unbanned i am sorry for my actions is okay if i cant get unbanned (user CucharaChara)

Hello, it's pepsi_1945.

Look, I realise I was being a bit much and I truly and humbly apologise for that. I'm not here to step on anybody's toes or ruin the vibe of the server. I truly value the connections I've made here and don't want to mess that up.

This is the second time I've made a post.

Could you unban me? It's simply absurd that they ban me for my twich name, when was I racist? I have never offended anyone in the app

Hi, would like a ban appeal pls, I'm a changed man.

¿this ban is justified?

hola mi apodo es blanco, asi me llaman mis amigos, asi se llamo en las redes donde subo contenido en youtube, en tiktok y en twich. lo uso por que asi es mi apellido, ES el apellido de mi padre


Ok I got a t4 ban BUT I never did an evade ban because I ACTUALLY forget The password Search for Hapstablook44 this is the account I forgot the password

My account name is Ralsei_The_Fluffyboy

I am the cousin of The user Flowey_A_Flor

so.. i don't have any images BUT i got banned for NSFW. look, i do know its wrong and all of that but uh it was an internal joke (altho there were no friends nearby) and wdym by second ban? (my username is tjcbrl)

Ok...How? What i was made? I was Just in grillbys And exit the game for a while And i got banned but i remember make nothing for be banned so Whatever I did, I accept the reset of my account

My Nick is: Flowey_A_Flor

Dear mods,im sorry for this.This ban was 4 years ago and I learned from my mistakes.İ promise i wont do it again.


Dear mods,this is a discord ban,I got banned for using modded client even tho download was never pressed but i was curious (username: rk_dreemur),however i want to ask ,why is moz allowed to send stuff outside the game and DFcord and for me it is wrong?