I need to know the reason for my ban, if this is a misunderstanding please lift the ban,The name of the account is bilibili_timi
add:Due to regional restrictions, I log in using vpn
I was banned for some "NSFW". When I found out what this meant I was shocked, I NEVER WRITE ABOUT EROTIC AND 18+, THE PLAYER IS NAME "Custanation" threatened my mother.I have always played honestly and respected other players my nickname"Max_228top".
Player: smislYT
It's my friend
Hi @Perpetrator I know the reason for the ban. He had it installed Cheat engine. He used it around the same day of the ban.
He only used it for hacking PvZ and probably forgot to turn it off
I created a account for my phone and i tried to log in. It didnt take me in so i left the game swiped then came back and it said i was banned and doesnt say anything abt it. Account name is MSKayraPhoneAcc.
Approximately 2-3 years ago, I was banned for cheating as it says on the screenshot I attached to this message. My appear was moved the archive channel since I didn't get a response. My username is "Mnhplayz."
Please unban user: Quang18839 , i pvp the same person but ask normal to them before pvp and if they say no or disagree would say ok and move on, if i asked pvp again and they say no than i go away or they asked i would normally say yes if i have times
Hello I would like to appeal my ban
I will try to not make these kinds of jokes again
False report (Whynot101)
Yesterday I reported Whynot101 for NSFW and they got banned for that. And today Whynot101 told me that they have been quoting FakirPastasi. You can see FakirPastasi basically confessing saying NSFW stuff in chat on the SS. yea
Banned: For cheats
Time ban: 9990 days
How banned: Ip/Device
Appeal reason: I don't play with cheats
Nickname: smislYT
And, I need proof