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Guide for new side quests, i haven't found any so imma post it here

All Side Quests | DF CONNECTED v2.7.6c
THIS VIDEO IS VALID ONLY FOR VERSION 2.7.6c AND BELOWGame: songs:Beneath The Scarlet Leaves: https://soundcl...

Starwalker Guide updated for 2.7.6c + New Dark World Star Presets:

All Bosses Speedrunning Guide

How do i make custom skins for the game?

how do I get to MTT Resort???

where are the custom downloadable DDS charts.....,,,,,,,,,

Is there any way to get deltarune pieces?

Is there a way to talk to star walker offline? I've had a quest saying i gotta find all 12 stars from his game but he's no where to be seen where he usually is

i don't know how to get to vip i think i need darknet but idk how to access it as well i need help

All possible Star Quest locations (as of DFC v2.7.6c)